Chatham Kent Drainage Area 3 - Zone/Howard/Orford Roster

Closed - Request for Proposal (Results - Not Available)
Various/Multiple,  Various/Multiple ON
(Chatham Kent) , Canada
Sewer/Drainage Utilities
November 25, 2020 9:00 AM   -  
Estimate Not Available

The Municipality of Chatham Kent is inviting proposals for proponents to be placed on a roster of service providers for municipal drainage works in Drainage Area No. 3 - Zone/Howard/Orford. This roster will be utilized for the award of the majority of Drainage Work projects in this area on a time and material basis for three years.

Bidders are advised that inquiries regarding the interpretation of the documents shall be directed to the Purchasing Department via the "Submit a Question" button for the selected bid opportunity.

Brigan Barlow

Question Deadline: November 18, 2020 at 4:30pm

Mandatory Registration
All Bidders are required to register at the Chatham Kent Website to be eligible to bid.
Failure to register your company before the closing date and time may result in your bid being rejected.

Municipality of Chatham Kent  -  Document Availability
Note: DataBid is unable to upload all documents related to this report due to the file size. Please follow the Document Availability link to view and obtain necessary documents.

Division 33 - Utilities
Utilities, Storm Drainage Utilities
Confirmed By Hunter Pippin
First Reported Tuesday, November 10, 2020